With bonfire night now a distant memory, we are sure it will not have escaped your attention that Christmas is on its way and the preparations might well be underway. Some find this time of year is great fun, and others will be climbing the walls to get everything ready in time. It reminds of our topical blog from January 2021 on the theme of climbing the stairs, and we revisit this below.
Perhaps there will be a lot of this climbing in the next weeks as festive decorations are retrieved from lofts, and presents are hidden under beds, to name a few tasks. Our blog looks at the possible issues.
Climbing the stairs
Physiotherapy work is as varied as the clients we help. A week’s appointments can range from supporting an individual’s sporting goals, to helping a client recover from an accident, to assisting with a long-term injury. All our work is rewarding – however, there are some exceptional moments that make our role particularly special.
We have recently engaged with an older client who suffered a serious fall in the spring of 2020. The accident left her hospitalised for twelve weeks and with severely reduced mobility on her return home. Taking great care around the (now largely past) issues of COVID-19 also slowed progress, meaning that sometimes the client was climbing the walls, rather than attempting the stairs!
Given the severity of the injuries, recovery has been slow and at times frustrating for the client, who approached Life Made Simple Physiotherapy for help in speeding her return to fuller physical health.
Fear of movement
A common psychological issue faced by those who have suffered serious injury is a fear of movement.
Concern that the body will not behave as it used to can prevent an individual from resuming day to day functions. An excellent example is that of the client mentioned above, who has not been able to climb the stairs in her house in a normal manner since her fall. Through physiotherapy and discussion, we identified that the main factor was fear of a further accident, rather than lack of physical capability.
Following just a few physiotherapy sessions, the client is now able to walk upstairs without help and with confidence: hugely rewarding for her, and for Life Made Simple Physiotherapy.
Change your behaviour
Another common factor in slow recovery from injury can be a tendency to behave as an invalid. Extended stays in hospital or long-term medical treatment can – understandably – change how a person feels about themselves and their physical capabilities. Altering this thought process can really help in recovery, to bring the focus back to an ‘I can do this’ attitude rather than an ‘I’m too injured to do this’ outlook.
Referring back to our older client mentioned above, following her accident, she had been sitting in a wheelchair in the daytime, as in the first few months she found it easier to sit and rise from the higher seat. However, the habit persisted and some ten months on, nothing had changed. A simple transfer to a normal chair, with a firm seat and supportive arms, has helped to make her feel part of family life again, rather than someone, as our patient suggests, to be ‘looked after’, and has boosted her confidence to try new exercises and activities around the house.
Simple can be good
Sometimes it’s the simplest changes that can be the most effective, although often it takes a fresh pair of eyes and professional knowledge to identify where changes can and should be made.
Life Made Simple Physiotherapy can help in your journey of recovery and rehabilitation.
Contact Us
We look forward to helping you with your physiotherapy needs. If you are interested in our services feel free to call us on 07309 272 555 or email Physio@Lifemadesimple.co.uk. Life Made Simple - expert physiotherapy in Guildford and Surrey.