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Writer's pictureLife Made Simple Physio

Don’t forget to carve your pumpkins carefully!

Boo! Halloween is with us, along with the end of October, and it should be fun!


With all the spooky connotations, sweet treats, costumes and pumpkins that come with the annual celebration, we would not want to be left out and our last blog suggested that we might mark the occasion.


Getting around at dawn or dusk can be interesting as the days draw in and we hope that the ‘something that goes bump’ in the middle of the night is not you as you trip over in the darkness. Not uncommon, I can assure you. This might also apply to your exercise regime, and with the short days this can mean running (as an example) in poor light, and even the nimblest runner can fall foul of the odd obstacle, pavement, drain cover or pothole.


The painful result in any circumstance can be a twist of your ankle, which can mean the ligaments in your ankles and legs stretch or tear. Please be careful as the nights get longer.


The properties of ligaments


Ligaments are strong, stretchy bands, the main job of which, in this example, is to help stabilise the ankle. They keep the bones of the ankle together whilst allowing for movement. If disrupted, they enable too much movement. This can cause pain and is what is known as a sprain. We all know the discomfort!


The most common sprain is on the outside of the foot when you twist or roll your foot inwards.


Structures of your ankle


Sprains do not just occur because of sporting activities or running. You may just as easily roll your ankle by stepping off a curb awkwardly, bumping into something in the night, or even whilst clearing up the garden as the leaves fall. Unfortunately, genetics may also play a role in putting extra strain on the structures of your ankle.  If your foot tends to sit in a position where the back of your heel naturally turns more inward, you will be more likely to roll the foot, or constantly put pressure on the ligaments.


Symptoms of an ankle sprain are pain (normally it is extremely uncomfortable), tenderness to touch, swelling, bruising, stiffness or reluctance to move the ankle, and sometimes the foot can feel cold.


Personalised care programme


There are different grades of ankle sprain, and if you hear a ‘pop’, it is often the most severe. Ankle sprains can get better on their own over a period of between 2-12 weeks; however, if you are unable to put any weight on it, or it keeps on happening, consulting a physiotherapist is a great idea.


As we confirm on our website,, although we hope that an initial physiotherapy consultation will ease any immediate pain or discomfort, many clients find that they need more than one physiotherapy session to meet their ongoing needs. A care programme can be created over a suitable time period, and we often find that a programme of five 60-minute sessions can be clinically beneficial.


With my colleague, Mel Allan, Massage and Reflexology specialist, and Fiona Hayers from Nourish from Within, working alongside from our centre in Bramley, we are ready to help with any bumps, strains and care you need.


Contact Us 


We hope you enjoy the end of October and Halloween if you celebrate the festival. Be careful as the nights draw in and the cold brings different conditions for us all to cope with.


We look forward to helping you with your physiotherapy and massage/reflexology care as we head towards the end of the year. If you are interested in our services feel free to call us on 07309 272 555 or email

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