We were very pleased with the recent series of Life Made Simple age related blogs, and if you have not seen them, then please do take a moment to scroll down our (now lengthy) blog pages to see what might be considered as, inevitably, we all age. Indeed, perhaps read three of these topical blogs: the age range applicable to your current situation, and then two directly after, to see what changes might be experienced. There are of course many factors that can affect your musculoskeletal health.
Four seasons
We think also that the four seasons can make a difference to physiotherapy care needs, with most of us doing different things at different times of the year. We have noted this in past blogs, but with the summer upon us, we might entertain a more outdoors approach to our diaries, of course moving indoors again in the autumn and winter. We are aware of some who take their foreign holidays in these colder, darker months to avoid the typical UK weather, then spending time in the garden in the warmer months. Not unreasonable, and great if affordable.
Mind says yes, body says hmm!
Each season brings differences in actions, mobilities, exercise, any sporting activities, and so on. Even the holidays of Christmas and Easter might mean time for family, which in itself might be a variance in activity types and levels. The point here is that activities change over a calendar year, and although the mind might be set for all that is planned ahead, the body might understandably throw up some objections, especially if what you’re doing is out of the ordinary or strenuous. It is common to find unexpected ailments cropping up.
Like the seasons, change occurs every year, both in ourselves physically, and our abilities as we age. Be ready for these, and perhaps note that it’s nothing personal. Just the effects will be personal to you, and that’s perhaps why you’re reading a physiotherapy blog, and our previous topical age related blogs.
Contact Life Made Simple Physiotherapy
We hope that you enjoy the summer and autumn, and enjoy the outdoors if you can. We look forward to helping you with your physiotherapy needs. If you are interested in our services feel free to call us on 07309 272 555 or email Physio@Lifemadesimple.co.uk. Life Made Simple - expert physiotherapy in Bramley, Guildford and Surrey.
If you are interested in our services feel free to call us on 07309 272 555 or email Physio@Lifemadesimple.co.uk. Life Made Simple - expert physiotherapy in Guildford and Surrey.